Monday, 6 January 2020

No longer a Maternity Mammy

I’ve been meaning to update for a while but life with a little one who was confidently walking before she was one was a bit hectic.
And then she turned one, which was mental.
And then it was know how it is.
But today has been a BIG day for our little family of three and it seemed to be a good time to post something: I’m no longer a maternity Mammy. I’m a working Mammy.
After three weeks sick leave, ten months maternity leave and then some annual leave, today I returned to work.
I’m very lucky that I work in a place that I’m very passionate about so while in all honesty I didn’t want to go back, it’s not as horrendous as it could have been!
But I just can’t believe it’s over, forever.
Because unless I win the lottery there’ll never be another time where I’ll spend that many consecutive days with my daughter.
Yeah I’m still seeing her every day but there’ll only be a few times a year where I’ll spend more than three consecutive full days a week with her, and quite frankly, that’s shit.
And yeah it was nice to drink a hot cuppa today but I missed not clinking my mug with her plastic sippy cup and saying ‘cheers’ five times before I could actually have a drink.
And with an hour journey on the bus to work, I found time to write again, which was nice.
But from me getting in from work I had 1 hour 45 minutes until she was in bed. And that was hard.
It also reminded me that this is what it’s been like for her daddy since she was just a few weeks old. Most dads don’t get the luxury of a year or so off with their child. So while I’m sad we are ending one of, if not the best chapter of my life, I’ll be eternally grateful for my time as a Maternity Mammy. Even the poo explosions and frantic panics that something is wrong.
It’s been a blast.
A big virtual hug to all the working mams and dads out there who have to go to work. It’s hard, and it’s beyond me how I’ve not cried today, but I consider ourselves as part of an elite club who take ourselves off to work every day so that we can provide the best for our babies. So cheers to us, we deserve a drink!