Friday, 6 September 2019

What a difference a day makes!

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said that throughout the majority of my pregnancy, I felt fine.
And getting out of hospital for a few hours, inhaling some north east fresh air made me feel even better!
So imagine my confusion that 24 hours on from my ‘mini break’ I was told there was a possibility of delivery that night.
It was a Monday, about 4.30pm and it was just starting to get dark outside, the sky that navy blue colour. I could sense it was freezing outside but it was roasting on the ward. 
I was sitting on the bed, my dad in the visitors seat and we were just chatting away. I was probably eating. 
Out of nowhere a doctor or consultant, someone in blue scrubs anyway, came up to my bed and whisked the curtain closed behind him. 
He explained the results of my blood tests that day weren’t what they’d like and they were looking at inducing me. 
Errr ok. But it’s December and she’s not due until the end of January?? And I feel fine! Keep her in!
He explained they wanted to run more tests, and if my bloods were a certain level then I’d be induced. He then went on to explain what happens during induction, details of how they’ll insert the pessary and how many I could have etc. **
Probably an uncomfortable listen for my dad, but he handled it well.
Then before I knew it he disappeared again behind the curtain and sent someone in to take more bloods.

I think I laughed. I don’t remember freaking out or anything. I knew my partner was on his way so I didn’t want to ring him and have him hear that news over a crackly hands free line. Me and dad decided it was best to just tell him when he arrived. 
I’m glad we did, he demonstrated more than enough shock for both of us and quickly needed to take a seat and register what he’d just been told.
It was a waiting game for an hour or two but then I was told my bloods had improved and they wouldn’t be inducing me. 
Great news, we wanted her kept inside me as long as possible. 
But that mad couple of hours confirmed for us both that this could all change in a flash.
She really could come any day and we needed to get our heads around that, whether we liked it or not! 

**If you, like me, didn't really know much about Labour Induction there is more information here

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